Tuesday, December 1, 2009

To Write or Not To Write...That Shouldn't Be The Question

Often, I feel like I'm writing to a deaf world. I sit and pour whatever flows from within onto a screen and put it up for the world to judge. Sometimes, it feels as if the world has already left and I'm the only one remaining in the vicinity of my story. I'm sure this happens to a lot of writers, especially beginners, such as I, who have to prove themselves as legit. I have no problem with making the rounds of submissions and playing the waiting game...I've become a pro at that. I, also, have no problem observing and learning from other readers and writers I interact with daily.
What I have a problem with is the gray expanse of time when mind and fingers refuse to plot together to make letters appear on my notebook screen. I huff and puff but I feel like I've encountered the brick house of the literary world. During a time such as this, you can find me sullen as a desert slug, frustrated by circumstances I feel are beyond my reproach, at the mercy of a power higher than I- a muse as inconsiderate as wedding-day rain showers.
I, however, refuse to be fooled by the perceived absence of my muse. To write or not to write is never an entertained dilemma in my realm. I find it easy to start one or more poems to see what kind of creativity they might awaken, and this usually works to unclog ideas that had been previously stuck.
So, if you find yourself facing the proverbial writer's block, switch to poems and see what that might do for you. I find that poetry usually flows out of me easier than short stories or plays, so that might be the same for you, too.
If you have something else that works for you in such instances, please share. Thanks.

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